Police use of Stop and Search must improve says PCC

Leicestershire’s Police and Crime Commissioner believes steps taken by the force to improve the way it uses stop and search powers will lead to greater trust and confidence in the police.

Sir Clive Loader says Leicestershire Police has made positive changes to the way it monitors the impact of stop and search in recent years but recognises there is still much more to do.

His comments follow a HMIC report which says Leicestershire Police requires improvement when it comes to fully complying with the use of stop and search.

Giving an overall ‘Good’ grading, the report - PEEL: Police Legitimacy 2015 - praised the force for the way it engages with local communities and its use of Taser, which HMIC said was ‘fair and appropriate.’ 

But it said Leicestershire Police is not complying with all aspects of the Best Use of the Stop and Search Scheme. The report said: “In particular, the force is not recording whether or not the outcome of the search relates to the item searched for; it does not publish all the information required; and although it monitors the impact of stop and search on black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) people, it does not monitor the impact on young people.”

HMIC said since its inspection of Leicestershire last year, the force had put in place appropriate arrangements for monitoring and independent scrutiny.

Sir Clive said: “Stop and search powers are an extremely valuable tool for the police and are crucial in helping them protect us and keep communities safe. However, we know their use can be intrusive and it is this issue, more than any other, which can create mistrust and drive a wedge between the police and the people they serve.

“That is why it is hugely important that the force does everything it possibly can to ensure it complies with the Best Use of the Stop and Search Scheme. I want everybody to have confidence that Leicestershire Police are using this power proportionately and correctly.”

Sir Clive said further measures taken by the force since the HMIC inspection would improve the way stop and searched is monitored and independently scrutinised, especially among young people.

He added: “Given the cultural make up of our county, this is an issue the force must get right and I am confident they will do so. I, and my successor, have a duty to hold the Chief Constable to account over stop and search and we will do that.”

The Commissioner said he was delighted HMIC had praised Leicestershire Police for the way it officers and staff actively engage with the public and he was happy to see the force’s use of Taser acknowledged as ‘fair and appropriate.’  He added that he had congratulated the Chief Constable on the Force’s overall ‘Good’ grading. 



Media Enquiries:   Sallie Blair - 01283 821012 / 07702 541401




Posted on Monday 9th May 2016
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