Harborough District

Wycliffe Rooms, George Street, Lutterworth, LE17 4ED
Parish Council Surgeries
Tuesday 27th February (09:30-16:00)

Parish Council Surgery to be held at the Wycliffe Rooms, Lutterworth

Representatives from Parish Councils across Leicestershire and Rutland have jumped at the chance to discuss local community safety issues in a one-to-one meeting with the Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner, Rani Mahal. As a result, representatives from each Parish Council have been invited to a series of 'surgery style' meetings which have been organised in each local authority district.

These 'surgerys' will give the Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner an opportunity to hear first-hand about the community safety issues that affect local communities.

There is a window of time available and those wishing to attend need to contact the office (details below) to book in to an available slot.

Email:   opcc@leics.police.uk or call 0116 229 8980.

Please see the full press release for more details. 





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