Cllr Rory Palmer and Lord Willy Bach with the Eyre
Road safety and antisocial behaviour were top of the agenda for locals when Leicestershire’s Police and Crime Commissioner Lord Willy Bach joined partners for a community walk-about.
The PCC, Deputy Mayor of Leicester Cllr Rory Palmer and Cllr Virginia Cleaver visited Eyres Monsell in the city alongside the local policing team to meet residents and community volunteers and discuss the issues which impact on their safety and wellbeing.
Speeding was an issue raised by many of the locals and as a result the PCC has agreed to highlight the problem with the Chief Constable to identify ways to address it, including the possibility of increasing the use of a Community Speedwatch scheme in the area.
Residents also discussed antisocial behaviour problems and how this affected their quality of life. The PCC heard how CCTV in the area and high-visibility patrols from the ASB car was having a positive impact on incident rates.
Commenting on his visit, Willy said: “I’m very grateful to PC Duncan Tebbatt and the policing team for joining us on this community walk-about.
“I was very impressed by the relationship between local beat officers and the residents they serve and the rapport that has been established. Positive community relationships are vital for effective policing and it is obvious much time and effort has been invested by the team to develop these connections.
“Like many other areas across Leicester, speeding is a top priority for locals. The policing team has previously held a number of enforcement operations in the area and is using the full arm of the law to recover vehicles linked to excessive speeding and uninsured drivers. In follow up to my visit, I intend to explore further opportunities to proactively address the problem involving the local community.
“I would like to invite anyone living in the area who is concerned about speeding or any other community issue to get in touch.”
Cllr Palmer added: “I’m delighted to have joined the PCC on this visit to discuss the important local issues in the area.
“Tackling antisocial behaviour is always a top concern for local residents and I know this is a priority for Willy. I’m really pleased the PCC has visited Eyres Monsell to hear about these issues and to discuss them with me and the neighbourhood policing team.”
If you are concerned at the speed of motorists in Eyres Monsell please contact: police.commissioner@leics.pnn.gov.uk.
Media Enquiries: Sallie Blair 01283 821012
Posted on Tuesday 11th October 2016