Leicestershire Police and Crime Commissioner Lord Willy Bach has arranged a “drop in” session to help community groups within the New Parks People Zone apply for a funding grant.
Members of the PCC’s team will be available between 10.00am and 12.00pm on Wednesday 12th December at the Salvation Army, 330 Aikman Avenue, Leicester, LE3 9PW, to explain the application process for his Crime Prevention Fund.
Each year, the PCC invests £250,000 into community, voluntary and social enterprise organisations which support his Police and Crime Plan ambitions to make Leicestershire and its people safer.
Willy Bach has spearheaded the launch of three People Zones across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland, empowering ordinary people to take responsibility for localised problems and proactively work with other agencies to prevent the disruption of community life from crime and antisocial behaviour.
The drop-in session is designed to help grassroots organisations within the New Parks People Zone secure funding to help address harm and reduce crime in the area.
Willy Bach said: “I want to ensure my Crime Prevention Fund is as inclusive as possible. I’m well aware of the barriers that sometimes exist in applying for public funding which is why I want to make my own scheme as simple and straightforward as possible.
“Grants of up to £25,000 are available for projects which can have a positive and lasting impact on safety in the New Parks area. If you are involved in a community project which would benefit from funding or have a good idea to address an issue in your neighbourhood, this is the event for you.”
In addition, the Commissioner has launched a new fund for projects that “get to the core” of knife crime and save lives. In a bid to kick-start a new onslaught against knife crime in Leicestershire, the Commissioner has also pledged to commit £100,000, from reserves, to organisations working to prevent knife crime.
For more information on the funding and how to apply visit: https://www.leics.pcc.police.uk/Planning-and-Money/Commissioning/Current-Funding-Available/Current-Funding-Available.aspx
Media Enquiries: Sallie Blair 01283 821012
Posted on Thursday 6th December 2018