Niven Rennie
The inspirational Director of Scotland’s Violence Reduction Unit, Niven Rennie, is to share his wisdom with key figures from across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland.
He has agreed to speak at a multi-agency event, incorporating police and emergency service partners, local authorities, health and criminal justice partners alongside civic leaders and the voluntary and private sectors.
Niven Rennie, who was appointed Director of the successful Scottish Violence Reduction Unit in July 2018, will cover both his current post and his experience gained over a 30-year career in policing in Scotland.
Last year he said that data shows that six out of ten crimes go unreported, with Emergency Departments taking the brunt of the pressure when victims don’t want to get the police involved.
His input will help to shape the development of a Violence Reduction Unit in Leicestershire, based on his findings of what works – and what doesn’t - and national best practice.
The event follows a bid from Leicestershire’s Police and Crime Commissioner to the Home Office’s Serious Violence Fund for funding to tackle serious violence in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland. The Home Office advised in June that the bid has been approved provisionally, while asking for further plans and information.
The funding must be invested into the development of a Violence Reduction Unit (VRU) – a multi-agency hub being created in 18 locations across the country to manage the local response to serious violence and knife crime and bring partners together to prevent young people from being drawn into crime.
Leicestershire’s Police and Crime Commissioner Lord Willy Bach is hosting the event, organised by his office.
He said: “We are very grateful that Niven has agreed to come and speak about his work. Undoubtedly we will all learn a lot and I’m looking forward to hearing what he has to say.
“We know that violence can be prevented by combining knowledge, experience and multi-disciplinary skills to tackle the root causes. By intervening at the earliest opportunity, we give young people a choice about their future and an opportunity to change their path.
“If our bid is successful, the VRU will coordinate this work and focus time and resources on projects which are proven to make a difference to knife crime and serious violence both now and in the long-term.”
The aim is to see the wider partnership working together using a Public Health approach to combat serious violence and addressing the multitude of social, economic and cultural issues which increase the risk of violent behaviour.
The event takes place on August 6 at Police Headquarters to enable partners and stakeholders to discuss the next steps for the unit and agree a future plan of action.
Media enquiries: Sallie Blair 01283 821012
Niven Rennie
Niven has more than 30 years of operational policing experience in the United Kingdom. He joined Strathclyde Police in 1985 serving throughout the west of Scotland in a variety of ranks and positions before progressing to the rank of Chief Superintendent. Niven previously held the role of President of the Association of Scottish Police Superintendents where he represented the interests of the operational leaders of policing in Scotland.
On leaving Police Scotland in 2016 Niven took up the position of Chief Executive Officer of South Ayrshire Escape from Homelessness (SeAscape).
Niven was appointed director of the Scottish Violence Reduction Unit in July 2018.
Posted on Friday 2nd August 2019