Difficult questions, difficult times

Another survey, what’s the point?  It’s a question that deserves a straight answer.

When carried out properly, surveys provide valuable insight into people’s attitudes, feelings, and concerns.  The findings can shape policy, including spending decisions. In my case, they bring context to conversations with police chiefs and community leaders. Surveys can answer difficult questions – sometimes answers that prove uncomfortable. The important thing is to act on those answers; otherwise, what’s the point of asking the question in the first place.

I want local policing strategy to reflect and react to the things that matter most to you.

That’s why I’m asking you to spend a few minutes completing this survey, which has been developed with the OPCC’s Violence Reduction Network and local Community Safety Partnerships.  It explores personal experience of crime, and crucially, whether you feel that things are getting better or worse in your neighbourhood.  How satisfied are you with the emergency services more broadly - and, if you have been a victim of crime recently, did you report it?

I want your views on crime and antisocial behaviour. Is enough being done to address safety concerns in your locality? I want to hear about the good, the bad, and if necessary, the ugly too. Remember, if you don’t say it, I can’t hear it; so if you are aged over 16 and live in Leicester, Leicestershire or Rutland, please let me know what you think before 31 October.

Community safety is about more than policing. Right now, there is only one story in town: COVID19 and the arrival of a second wave. This is throwing up significant challenges, not least for the police who face the difficult task of enforcing rapidly changing rules that are often vague and, sometimes incoherent. I know how hard all our public services are working to deal with the impact of this alarming health crisis.  I urge everyone to use common sense, listen to local advice and avoid any action that will make a tough job impossible.

Following the science can prove unpleasant. The collision between politics and economics inevitably brings further complexity.  Nonetheless, we must take every possible step to avoid matters slipping out of control. We cannot get into a situation where the NHS is at risk. This could threaten lives and livelihoods and yes, our very way of life for years to come.

So, stay safe – take a few minutes to share your views on policing and community safety in these difficult times and please share this post to secure a wide response.

I promise to listen, and I promise to make good use of the findings.

Thank you

Willy Bach

16 October 2020

Posted on Friday 16th October 2020
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