PCC's Budget to deliver more robust policing across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland

PCC Rupert Matthew’s first budget for policing Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland is now going into effect after the level of police precept* has been given the green light by the Police and Crime Panel of the Leicestershire Police area, which includes Rutland, at a meeting held earlier today (2 February 2022).

Outlining his budget for 2022-23 Mr Matthews explained that it was designed to provide the Chief Constable with the funding necessary to deliver the improvements to local policing set out in the ambitious Police and Crime Plan that was approved by public consultation last year.

“In setting this budget I needed to take into account the feedback I have received from local people across the City and two counties,” he said.  “There is no point in asking for views if you don’t take any notice.  That is why my Police and Crime Plan makes clear the areas in which the public and I wish to see improvements.  I am after all a local resident too.

“I expect greater visibility in the entire force area, with neighbourhood policing playing a major role across our city and two counties. I want to see the police working more collaboratively with local residents, listening and responding to the concerns raised in every community. Communications between the police and the law-abiding public must be improved.

“I am further determined that the work to tackle crime in rural communities will be strengthened.  I have also spoken to many victims of crime; it’s evident that we need to make sure that the support they receive is outstanding.  

“As Police and Crime Commissioner, I will personally be spending a lot of time in our communities to establish what the public want from their police service and then representing that to the Chief Constable.

“I’m very grateful to everyone who responded to my consultation on both the policing priorities and the amount of council tax paid towards policing.  Their responses have shown overwhelming support for both my policing priorities and an increase in the amount of council tax that is paid towards policing.

“Over 72% of respondents – and we had over 2,500 – voted to pay £10* a year more towards the sort of policing they want to see. That works out at 19p a week for more effective policing.  This will include a better response to rural communities; state of the art technology infrastructure leading to improved communication between the police and the public; and more tailored support for victims of crime.

“Now I will scrutinise the implementation of my expectations to ensure that local people receive the type of local policing service that they have explicitly asked for.”

Mr Matthews’ budget has now been set at £223.2m for the coming financial year (2022-23), an increase of £10.9m over 2021-22. 

In support of the budget, the Commissioner proposed an increase of £10 a year for a Band D (the average) property taking the total amount of money that goes towards policing through the average property’s council tax bill to £258.23.  This is approximately 13% of the whole Council Tax bill.

Having discussed the reports presented, questioned the Commissioner and his team and considered the rationale for the increase, members of the panel voted in favour of the Commissioner’s proposals. 



** The police precept is the small amount of the overall council tax bill that goes towards policing.

** The £10 increase relates to a Band D (the average) property, Bands A-C will pay less than this, E-H will pay more.


Editor notes:

You can read the Commissioner’s Police and Crime Plan here and a copy of his speech to the Police & Crime Panel can be found here

The budget will:

  • Deliver a more robust policing service tailored around the views of local people

  • Increase public confidence in policing

  • Boost the response to rural crime

  • Enable a focus on business crime

  • Strengthen the work to address violent, serious and organised crime

  • Enhance Criminal Justice work to bring more offenders to justice

  • Improve the work to tackle domestic abuse

  • Support crime prevention and early intervention work to reduce the number of offences committed

  • Support volunteer and Neighbourhood Watch Schemes

  • Strengthen the use of technology

  • Support the delivery of the third year of the Government’s 20,000 police officer uplift programme

  • Deliver a balanced budget to maintain quality of service provision in future years


Media Enquiries:   Sallie Blair - 01283 821012 / 07702 541401



Posted on Wednesday 2nd February 2022
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