Councillor Kate Waker with Hannah Surtees, Deputy Parish Manager
Plans to install new CCTV cameras to help deter anti-social behaviour and disorder in a Leicestershire village are moving ahead at pace thanks to a substantial safety grant.
Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Police and Crime Commissioner Rupert Matthews provided funding worth £10,000 from his Safety Fund to Mountsorrel Parish Council in support of an initiative to increase security in the village and make local people safer.
The funding will be used to install a new state-of-the-art CCTV system to monitor isolated sites within the village. The cameras will be linked to a central control room at Charnwood Borough Council which is monitored 24 hours a day, seven days per week.
Site visits have already taken place and quotations are expected imminently. These will be reviewed by the council before the contract for the works is awarded and the cameras installed.
Once the CCTV system is in place, the parish council will be able to assess the impact of the cameras by reviewing historical data relating to reports of anti-social behaviour or crimes.
The project is being showcased in a new video on the Commissioner’s website as part of his commitment to keep the public updated on the work and funding he is investing in the community to keep people safe.
Mr Matthews said: “Anti-social behaviour causes misery and stress for the communities it impacts and remains the most common issue raised with me by the public.
“My Safety Fund takes a two-pronged approach to these problems, delivering much needed investment in diversionary programmes to prevent issues arising in the first place and enabling our young people to use their time productively as well as boosting funding for vital security measures that both act as a deterrent and help us to build evidence to bring perpetrators to justice.
“I am really impressed with the passion and motivation behind this project and the desire to take positive action against these issues. This project is an excellent example of how people power and partnership working can really make a difference to the wellbeing and safety of our communities.”
Cllr Kate Walker, Chair of Mountsorrel Parish Council, added: “Mountsorrel is proud of the excellent relationship we have with our community police colleagues and believe that installation of CCTV will further enhance the help they already give to our residents.
“We have several known areas that are targets for anti-social and criminal behaviour and installing CCTV in these areas I believe will have a positive impact for our population by improving community safety, reducing the fear of crime and catching offenders.
“We are very grateful to have been awarded this grant to help us combat antisocial and criminal behaviour.”
To view the video on the project and how the funds are being used visit: https://youtu.be/BKkLujj7qo8.
Media Enquiries:
Sallie Blair
Better Times
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Posted on Monday 6th March 2023