Savita Vaid Go Getta Managing Director
More than 140 youngsters will be supported to stay on the right tracks thanks to free sports and leisure activities funded by the county’s Police and Crime Commissioner.
Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Police and Crime Commissioner Rupert Matthews provided a grant worth £10k to The Hut Youth Club, run by Go Getta CIC, from his Safety Fund to support young people aged 11-25 in the Loughborough area over the next 12 months.
The funding is helping to meet the costs of a project manager and two youth engagement workers and the delivery of weekly diversionary sessions for two hours every Friday to involve young people in sports, cooking, team games, table tennis and other leisure opportunities.
The Commissioner has outlined his determination to restore hope, trust and confidence in policing services across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland.
Through the delivery of his Safety Fund, he aims to increase opportunities to prevent offending and tackle some of the root causes of crime to build resilience in communities and deliver sustainable improvements to safety.
The project will see engagement workers with a unique mix of therapeutic/trauma-informed knowledge and lived experience working with the young people to engage them in discussions around key issues such as knife crime, county lines, peer-on-peer abuse, bullying and online safety whilst also equipping them with the skills they need to change direction.
The project features in a new YouTube video showcasing the community work the PCC is supporting to help young people turn their backs on crime and anti-social behaviour.
Mr Matthews said: “As many as eight in ten prolific adult offenders begin committing crimes as children. This is why it is so important we invest in early intervention schemes to stop these youngsters from becoming career criminals. Sport not only unites but also gives young people a goal.
“As Commissioner, I have vowed to restore hope and trust in policing services and ensure the force works hard to address the public’s priorities which include anti-social behaviour. I am also determined to provide more opportunities for youngsters at risk of crime to realise their full potential and understand that they are capable of so much more than a life of offending.
“Go Getta CIC has a fantastic track record of turning around lives and I am really proud to be supporting this project which aligns with my Police and Crime Plan priorities.”
As part of the scheme, project leaders are delivering outreach work to engage young people congregating in public spaces such as parks, outside shops, takeaways and other anti-social behaviour hotspots to divert them to the youth club.
Staff are also provided with weekly supervision to discuss any concerns for individual young people which has led to improved information sharing between partners including Social Care, Youth Offending Service and Early Help. It has also enabled referrals to be made where appropriate for safeguarding or ongoing support by external agencies.
To view the video on Go Getta CIC and how the funds they receive are being used:
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Better Times
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Posted on Thursday 18th May 2023