PCC announces new investment in county's People Zones

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Police and Crime Commissioner Rupert Matthews has announced the launch of a fresh round of funding to enable community groups within his three People Zones to bid for grants up to £10k.

The Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Police and Crime Commissioner will host three funding rounds for People Zones before the end of March 2024. The first opens today (Monday 19 June) and will help partners build on the success of last year’s grants scheme which helped to tackle vulnerability and isolation, promote skills development and confidence, identify and fill gaps in local provision and encourage local people to channel their energy into positive activities.

Community organisations that are not linked to a People Zone can apply for similar funding via the Commissioner’s Safety Fund.

People Zones are designated geographic areas where the PCC is working together with residents and partners including Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) organisations to tackle inequalities, build on the strengths and assets within the community, promote inclusion and connectivity and empower people to play an active role in making their area safer.

There are currently three People Zones across the force area: Bell Foundry, New Parks and Thringstone & Whitwick.

Mr Matthews said: “I’m pleased to launch a fresh round of funding for our People Zones. Over the past 12 months, a huge amount of work has taken place to bring these communities together and promote resilience – seeing how passionate residents are about implementing change and helping their areas thrive has convinced me of the importance of keeping up the excellent work.

“I’ve been particularly impressed with the results of the community payback scheme where local offenders ‘give back’ to communities, either by improving or creating new community spaces. This scheme is also providing many social benefits, including skills development and enhanced employability. Equally, the many events that have taken place and the steering groups held have brought communities together to share ideas and jointly problem-solve.

“I’m keen to keep the momentum going and provide further investment so that the success grow in the future.”

The current funding round will close on July 17. Further rounds will open on August 21 (closing September 18) and November 6 (closing on December 4).

All three People Zone areas can bid in each round with the maximum grant on offer per application at £10k.

Applications must align with one or more themes identified within each areas People Zone Research Report. Each report can be found on the People Zone website.

For more information and to apply go to:  https://www.leics.pcc.police.uk/people-zones-grant-funding-2023-2024/ or email the People Zone inbox at people.zones@leics.police.uk.



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Better Times
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Posted on Monday 19th June 2023
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