Police and Crime Commissioner Rupert Matthews is providing further funding for a programme aimed at protecting young girls from sexual violence.
In line with his firm ‘prevention is better than cure’ approach, the Commissioner is funding specialised training designed to raise awareness around sexual violence in young people. The aim is to train people in community groups and grass root organisations to teach young people about acceptable behaviours.
Mr Matthews said: “This is an opportunity for our community groups to make a real contribution to the work to tackle sexual violence. I ask any organisation which works with young people to join us in our effort to protect the future safety of young girls.
“Nationally, VAWG (Violence Against Women and Girls) crimes are growing, with the risks of harm to young people especially becoming more complicated with the rise in digital technology.
“We are working hard to tackle the immediate threat by bringing more perpetrators to justice and increasing support for victims, but it is essential we double our efforts to prevent these crimes in the first place by challenging the attitudes and behaviour that are at the root of these crimes.
“Prevention remains an overarching theme of my Police and Crime Plan and I will continue to do everything I can to make our City and two counties safer. The plan is to target intervention as early as possible to reduce the risk of young people being harmed or committing these dreadful offences in adolescence or adulthood.”
The funding is open to community-based groups, grassroots organisations, charities and sports and youth clubs and will reimburse organisations for the time spent on training and delivering the programme.
Organisations across the Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland police force area are being urged to apply for a grant to deliver the project, which has been developed following engagement with young people aged 10-19.
The programme, developed by a partnership of local agencies, has prioritised working with young people to prevent and raise awareness of sexual violence and is focusing work on young people between the ages of 10 and 19.
The training covers eight strands:
• Healthy and Unhealthy Relationships
• Consent
• Personal Space and Boundaries
• Sexual Harassment and Assault
• Using a Bystander Approach
• Invasions of Space
• Sexting
• Grooming Awareness
The PCC is working with the Violence Reduction Network (VRN) and other criminal justice and public sector agencies to tackle VAWG with a joint VAWG Strategy 2024-2026 well underway.
The Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland PCC secured the funding for this training package from the fifth round of the Home Office’s Safer Streets Fund, designating part of the grant towards the VAWG initiatives.
For more information and to apply for funding, visit the PCC’s website at: https://www.leics.pcc.police.uk/VAWG-Funding-2024.
The closing date for applications is 27th January 2025 – 12pm.
Media Enquiries:
Sallie Blair
Better Times
Telephone 01283 821012
Mobile 07702 541401
Posted on Thursday 2nd January 2025