BLOG: My Community Day in Harborough

1302-Rupert with members of the NFU outside their offices

Tuesday 13th February 2025

I recently had the pleasure of visiting Harborough District for my latest Community Day.  As ever, it was a busy day meeting lots of different stakeholders and members of the public.

I first met with Dilwyn Harries from the National Farmers Union, alongside the County Chairman and a number of local farmers.  I was glad to hear the praise the farmers had for the Rural Policing Unit and the effect they have had in driving down Rural Crime in Leicestershire.  The farmers asked for some clarity on crime reporting in rural areas.  I will be in contact with the Force to pass on the correct advice.

I then moved over to Market Harborough to view an area of concern highlighted by Cllr. Darren Woodiwiss.  I have passed the Councillor’s concerns over to the Neighbourhood Policing Area (NPA) Commander, and will monitor the situation.

Next up was a meeting with the Community Safety Partnership (CSP) team.  The team updated me on the Victim Relocation Packs the Partnership have put together for victims fleeing abusive partners.  These packs enable those fleeing to settle down quickly and begin to recover.  The CSP should be incredibly proud of their work supporting victims.  We also discussed car theft in the area and shoplifting.  Harborough now has 64 businesses signed up to the DISC system. And it has already helped secure an arrest for shoplifting in the area.  Great news!

Leader of the Council Cllr Phil Knowles was my next stop.  I am always happy to meet with Council Leaders to keep an open dialogue and to ensure we work as partnership wherever possible.  After my meeting, I ventured out on to Adam and Eve Street to visit some local businesses.  Shoplifting was raised as a pressing issue in Market Harborough.  I will continue to support the Force as best I can to tackle this important issue.

My next meeting was with Voluntary Action South Leicestershire.  I met with Julia, the Charity Manager, who told me all about the valuable work her charity does with older, isolated and vulnerable residents.  I shared details with Julia the Commissioner’s Safety Fund and to look out for future grant rounds that Voluntary Action could make use of.

Finally, I met Cllr. Jo Asher and Headteacher of Foxton Primary School George Norman. Together they told me about the issues the school are having with parking at pick up and drop off times, leading to congestion and instances of road age.  The school also sits on a corner, where cars have regularly misjudged their speed taking the corner and have lost control, ending up in the field.  We also discussed potential remedies to the situation, including upgrading the school car park and installing speed awareness signs on the road. I will fully support the school and Cllr. Asher in any representations they make to the County Council.

All in all, a productive day meeting some of Harborough’s hard-working representative and members of the public!


Rupert Matthews
Police & Crime Commissioner for Leicester, Leicestershire & Rutland


Posted on Saturday 1st March 2025