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Update on my visit to Leicestershire Cares

Update on my visit to Leicestershire Cares

It was a pleasure to meet with Leicestershire cares staff last Thursday to discuss how they partner with the OPCC and VRN to keep our communities safe. Their main focus is on working with young people.
Monday 6th September 2021
PCC invites public to have their say on policing in biggest-ever consultation on crime in Leicestershire

PCC invites public to have their say on policing in biggest-ever consultation on crime in Leicestershire

Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Police and Crime Commissioner Rupert Matthews today launched the largest-ever consultation across the city and two counties to find out what local people want and need to make them safer.
Monday 6th September 2021
PCC Welcomes Proposals for Greater Autonomy on Budget Spending

PCC Welcomes Proposals for Greater Autonomy on Budget Spending

Plans to allow police and crime commissioners (PCCs) to reduce demand on policing by funding areas such as domestic abuse initiatives and specific NHS projects have been welcomed by Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland PCC Rupert Matthews.
Friday 3rd September 2021
New online tool helps women and girls pinpoint locations where they feel unsafe

New online tool helps women and girls pinpoint locations where they feel unsafe

Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Police and Crime Commissioner Rupert Matthews today welcomed the launch of a new online tool enabling women and girls to flag areas of the county that make them feel unsafe.
Thursday 2nd September 2021
Free security upgrades rolled out to protect homes in Lutterworth

Free security upgrades rolled out to protect homes in Lutterworth

A major safety project is underway offering up to 460 households in Lutterworth free security improvements to protect their homes against burglary.
Tuesday 17th August 2021
Stopping business crime is a vital part of my manifesto

Stopping business crime is a vital part of my manifesto

Fraud continues to pose a major threat to the UK. As criminals become ever more sophisticated, tackling fraud will be a key theme in my work to address vulnerability and support businesses.
Tuesday 10th August 2021
Leicestershire secures extra £934K to tackle serious violence

Leicestershire secures extra £934K to tackle serious violence

Violence prevention experts in Leicestershire have secured an extra £934,683 to help steer young people away from crime and serious violence.
Friday 6th August 2021
Commissioner seeks to stabilise financial situation at Leicestershire Police

Commissioner seeks to stabilise financial situation at Leicestershire Police

Having found himself in what he described as an invidious financial position Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland's Police and Crime Commissioner Rupert Matthews today set out the scale of the problem to the County's Police and Crime Panel.
Friday 30th July 2021
Making a Difference in Measham

Making a Difference in Measham

It takes a whole raft of actions to make people feel safer. Making sure we deliver a robust and adequate policing response is only part of the solution, consideration also needs to be given to the physical environment of our communities and the help that we can provide to support vulnerable people.
Thursday 29th July 2021
PCC backs Government's Beating Crime Plan

PCC backs Government's Beating Crime Plan

Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland PCC Rupert Matthews has welcomed the Government's new hard-hitting blueprint for tackling crime and making Britain's streets safer.The Beating Crime Plan, unveiled today, sets out a serious of bold measures to drive down neighbourhood crime and violence and confront the underlying causes of repeat offending.
Wednesday 28th July 2021
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