Financial challenges ahead for Leicestershire Police


Police and Crime Commissioner for Leicestershire, Sir Clive Loader, today received details of the provisional Government police settlement for 2013-14.  Despite news that it would not be hit by further budget cuts this year, he warned that Leicestershire Police was still facing a tough financial struggle. 

Leicestershire is set to receive £71.9m from the Police Grant, £43.3m from the Department for Communities and Local Government, in addition to any council tax raised locally. The Commissioner will also receive a little over £1.6m of grant funding that was formerly allocated to partners for community safety initiatives. 


Sir Clive said:


“Due to prior planning and financial prudence in previous years, the Force has made savings of £23m to the end of 2012-13 and the savings programme continues. This softens the financial blow for the coming year, but we face more challenges in future years when the need for significant further savings is expected. 


“The Force has reserves which will help, but the organisation will have to change considerably to maintain the quality of service, deliver the Police and Crime Plan and stay within the resources available. There are many options open to us such as regional collaboration, outsourcing service provision and working with partners to manage and reduce demand on services. 


“We are pleased that the Home Office has protected this year’s Police Grant but we need to clarify the amount received for community safety and its impact on the police and our partners. I will work with them to address the ‘and crime’ part of my priorities. 


“It is also disappointing that we have only been given details to 2013-14, yet are expected to produce a four-year Police and Crime Plan. In consultation, I intend to respond to this effect.”



Posted on Wednesday 19th December 2012
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