PCC Sir Clive Loader announces new funding for New Year

Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) Sir Clive Loader has announced the availability of £1.6million sum in PPC Grants and local partnership funding for partner organisations to support his Police and Crime Plan during 2014/15 and beyond.

Two funding streams have been announced: the £1.2million and Partnership Locality Fund (formerly the ‘Community Safety Partnership Funding and Basic Command Unit Fund) for the period 2014/15 to 2016/17; and the £400,000 PCC Grant fund for 2014/15. These funds are now available and applications can be made or online to the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC).

PCC Sir Clive Loader said: “I announce this, the latest round of funding, encouraging all those applying to the fund to have partner collaboration and shared goals in mind wherever possible.

“I commission outcomes, not services. All those applying should have clear outcomes in mind which contribute to delivering the targets in the Police and Crime Plan and to making our society safer.”

Two workshops have been arranged for PCC Grant applicants: the morning of January 13 and the afternoon of January 17, 2014. The maximum amount of funding that will be awarded per application to the £400,000 PCC Grant fund is £50,000 in any given year.

Alex Adley-Sweeney, Governance Support Officer for the OPCC, is running the application workshops. She said: “We are happy to discuss application process with potential bidders and provide support.  We look forward to having discussions with anyone considering an application. 

To book a workshops place, please contact Alex Adley-Sweeney alex.adley-sweeney@leics.pcc.pnn.gov.uk



Posted on Monday 20th May 2013
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