New funding to help police commanders protect the public

Funding of £200,000has been earmarked to help Leicestershire Police’s two Basic Command Unitstackle emerging threats within their areas.

The two Commanders ofthe Counties BCU and the City BCU have been allocated £100,000 each per year tocommission the services they need in a flexible manner.

Police and CrimeCommissioner Sir Clive Loader said: “The emphasis is on using this funding forjoint operations and initiatives between appropriate partner organisations, including voluntary groups, to reduce the demand onpolice resources.

In order to avoidunnecessary duplication and promote this type of joined up working, all BCUfunding requests greater than £5,000 will be assessed and confirmed by theOffice of the Police and Crime Commissioner.


This is in line withSir Clive’s commissioning intentions, which include ensuring that crucialresources are not wasted, protecting public spending and ensuring that “everypenny is channeled into reducing crime.”


Media Enquiries:   Sallie Blair - 01283 821012 / 07702 541401


Posted on Monday 9th May 2016
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