Police and Crime Plan has official Seal of Approval

Sir Clive Loader, Leicestershire’s Police and Crime Commissioner, has received formal approval for his revised Police and Crime Plan.

The Commissioner attended a meeting of the Police and Crime Panel where members, following an in-depth question and answer session, unanimously gave their backing for the refreshed version.

The Commissioner was required by legislation to produce an initial plan by the end of March this year. At that time he promised to refresh it later in the year when the Government had released up to date information on future funding. He said he also wished to evaluate the effectiveness of service providers before any long term commissioning decisions were made.

Now, armed with the relevant figures, feedback from both partners and members of the public and nearly a year’s hands-on experience, he has carefully modified the original version to fit with his findings.

Members of the panel clearly identified with the changes, particularly welcoming the increased emphasis on partnership working.

Sir Clive said after the meeting: “The Panel’s appreciation of the changes that we have made to the plan was warmly welcomed by me, and my team, all of whom have invested a great deal in creating a plan that identifies with, and reflects the needs of, our communities.

“They agreed with me that the police cannot work in isolation; we need the support of our partners and the public. The latest version of the plan reflects the importance of having our partners working alongside the police and each other. It illustrates what I have long said: I am commissioning outcomes, not services, and I am confident that we have the right formula moving forward.  

“I believe that it is evident to anyone reading it that this refreshed version of the plan has been designed around people and how we can meet their expectations. It shows that we have listened and we have learned – now all that we need to do is deliver.”

Changes to the original plan include combining two sections, which previously focused separately on Police and Partnership. There is a clear focus on the reduction of offending, and reoffending; the need to provide appropriate support to victims and witnesses; safer communities and the protection of vulnerable people.

In addition, some of the targets have been changed in order to be clearer about what the Commissioner is trying to achieve on behalf of the communities in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland. Those targets now take account of how Leicestershire Police is doing against the most similar group of forces, as measured nationally by Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary. 

The Commissioner concluded: “These targets are stretching, difficult, but not impossible to achieve. I believe they will provide focus to all those delivering the outcomes necessary to meet these challenges. I’m aware that not every target will be met at every point, but I do believe they will drive an enhanced performance. This will support my vision of Leicestershire Police being amongst the most effective police service in the country.”


Posted on Tuesday 29th October 2013
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