Police and Crime Commissioner announces landmark decision to transform victims' and witnesses services in Leicestershire


Peter Jones - Catch 22 Assistant Director, Justice and PCC Sir Clive Loader

Leicestershire Police and Crime Commissioner Sir Clive Loader today announced his landmark decision to award criminal justice experts Catch22 with the contract for enhancing services for victims and witnesses across the county.

The experienced youth and adult justice services charity will become the lead supplier of the Commissioner’s innovative Victim First programme – a brand new service model providing victims and witnesses of crime with greater support and ensuring vulnerable people receive the help they need.

The decision was made following a competitive tendering process which saw organisations bid for the opportunity to deliver the new service. 

Catch22 will work in partnership with Restorative Solutions CIC to integrate restorative justice approaches throughout its victims’ work to provide increased opportunities for recovery and improved satisfaction rates. The service will proactively offer restorative justice as part of an overall response to the victim at the most appropriate stage of their recovery.

The Commissioner is determined the new-look service will revolutionise the way victims of crime are supported following a crime and he has worked closely with the Force and local partners to design a solution that ensures their needs are first and foremost at every stage of the justice process.

Announcing his decision, Sir Clive said: “The changes we are implementing now will transform the way we respond to vulnerable people whose lives have been damaged by crime. It represents an exciting opportunity to break from the traditions of the past to pursue a new way of working which will reduce disadvantage and suffering and help people to rebuild their lives in the most effective way.

“I’m very excited about working with Catch22 and Restorative Solutions CIC to deliver a more coordinated support system where victims can access the emotional and practical help they need – when they need it. There is significant work to be undertaken before we are ready to launch but I am confident that the positive changes we envisage will be delivered rapidly.”  

Commenting on the announcement, Chris Wright, Chief Executive of Catch22, said: “Catch22 is delighted to have been selected as a partner to deliver this ground-breaking new service for victims and witnesses in Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland. Victim First will be a vital service for the community, reducing fear and supporting victims to overcome the impact of crime. We welcome the PCC’s innovative approach in selecting partners with such broad-ranging and historic expertise and who bring innovative and fresh approaches to designing services for individuals and communities.

“Each of the partners brings unique expertise to the service. Catch22 has a long history of supporting people in difficult situations – including both offenders and victims – and we will draw on that experience to transform victims’ experiences throughout the criminal justice system.

“As with all our justice services, Catch22 will provide tailored support that can adapt and develop based on feedback from victims themselves. We have partnered with Restorative Solutions CIC to bring their experience of providing effective and high quality restorative approaches to ensure all victims will be given the opportunity to have their say and get answers to the questions they are left with after being the victim of a crime.”

He added: “Catch22, Restorative Solutions CIC and the Police and Crime Commissioner are united in the shared aim to provide a truly victim-centred service where every victim is treated as an individual and where they are supported with a range of needs including emotional and psychological recovery, information, advocacy and signposting to other agencies where appropriate.”

From April 1 2015, victims’ and witnesses services in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland will be commissioned locally rather than nationally by Sir Clive. 

In preparation for the changes, the Commissioner and his team have invested time into understanding the victims’ perspective and analysing their journey through the criminal justice system, involving key partners and policing colleagues at every stage of the development process.

Above all, the new arrangements aim to create a lasting legacy to ensure victims of crime in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland need never face recovery alone again.    

It is anticipated the new service will be fully mobilised by August this year, with a full launch due to take place in October. 


Important information about Catch22

  • A forward looking social business, Catch22 has over 200 years’ experience providing services that help people in tough situations to turn their lives around.
  • Our programmes help those we work with to steer clear of crime or substance misuse, do the best they can in school or college and develop skills for work, live independently on leaving care or custody, gain new skills and confidence as parents, and play a full part in their community.
  • In 2013/14 we worked with 80,662 people, directly and through national partnership programmes.
  • When surveyed in 2012/13, 95% of service users said that our support had made them happier with their lives and 91% said our support had given them more control in their lives.
  • For more information visit: www.catch-22.org.uk


Media Enquiries:   Sallie Blair – 01283 821012 / 07702 541401


Posted on Monday 9th May 2016
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