Crime levels are stable for the third year

The latest crime figures recorded by Leicestershire Police show that crime rates are stable for the third year running.

End of financial year figures for 2016 show that the total number of recorded crimes in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland has risen by 0.1% - an additional 65 offences compared with the previous year. That is despite the new requirement to record the crime of malicious communication, which has added 740 previously unrecorded crimes to the total.

This year’s provisional numbers (1 April 2015 to 31 March 2016) show that the total number of crimes recorded was 59,172.

Chief Constable of Leicestershire Police, Simon Cole, said: “Recorded crime has risen marginally when compared to the same period last year. But this slight increase reflects a national trend and it is important to remember that recorded crime has massively reduced during the last decade, from 100,000 to 60,000 recorded offences, a trend which is very positive.

“There is a correlation between the increase in the public’s confidence in the police - currently 85% in Leicestershire - and more victims reporting serious crimes to us. Increasing reporting was one of the key objectives set by the Police and Crime Commissioner’s Police and Crime Plan. Current trends indicate that the likelihood of being a victim is at its lowest for two decades.

“One positive reflection of increased reporting can be seen in serious sexual assault. While the number of recorded offences has increased by 25.5% for females (68 offences) and 100% for males (nine offences), I regard that increase as a positive reflection that victims believe they will be treated sympathetically and professionally.

“In addition, we have seen a 19% decrease in assaults with injury, which is linked to an increase in assaults without injury of 25%. We believe that more people are reporting assaults with minor injuries sooner and that this is a direct result of the extensive work to encourage the earlier reporting of domestic violence, which may have prevented violence escalating to the more serious offences due to earlier intervention.

“Increases have been seen in the categories of theft from motor vehicle, house burglary, and harassment which now includes malicious communications which was not previously classified as a crime.’

“Theft from motor vehicle has increased with 614 more offences being reported during 2015/16. Part of this relates to the removal of items from the interior and exterior of the vehicle, which may then be sold via online sites, and organised crime groups involved with theft of tools.

“We continue in our effort to reduce these figures with activities such as Operation Cheetah. This operation resulted in three men being sentenced to a total of more than six years in prison for their part in the thefts of hundreds of power tools arrests and reunited 223 power tools, worth £63,600, with their rightful owners during March 2016.

“There were 206 more house burglary crimes recorded - less than four per week across the 405,000 households in the force area. This small increase, compared with the previous year (2014/15), suggests that there is a degree of stability in the level of offences and a seasonal pattern to offending, which helps us to target crime prevention activities in the community.

“Robbery offences have decreased with 124 fewer such crimes being reported during 2015/16. Harassment has shown an increase of 62% (740), but this is due to the inclusion of a new offence, malicious communications, which was not previously classified as a crime under the recording guidelines.

“In overall terms the figures demonstrate consistency in a challenging environment. We are working within our reduced budgets and are policing an increased population which has grown by 10% in a decade. This leads to an increase in demand. We are experiencing a shift towards emerging crimes, such as cybercrime and child sexual exploitation, which involve more intensive resourcing due to their complexity.

“The crime figures account for approximately a quarter of our overall business and we want to move away from measuring crimes just by the numbers that are reported and consider more about the complexities involved in each one.

“The force has linked in with Cambridge University which has developed the Cambridge Harm Index (CHI). This applies a weighting for the level of harm caused to the victim of the crime based on court sentencing guidelines, helping to prioritise those crimes which cause most harm and protecting those who are most vulnerable.

“We are not complacent and will continue to deliver the best policing service within the budget allocated to us, working with local people and partners to tackle those crimes which matter most to our communities.”

Leicestershire Police and Crime Commissioner, Sir Clive Loader, said:“There are mixed messages emanating from these figures. 

“On the one hand, total crime remains under control (remaining much lower than 10 years ago), this having been achieved whilst the force continues to make savings. Equally, I concur the Chief’s view that the increase in reporting of some of those crimes that cause the most human harm (eg serious sexual assault and domestic assault) is a good thing – victims now know that they will be treated properly when they report these. On the other hand, it is quite clear that far too many people are still providing ‘targets’ for those who want to steal from vehicles or homes; before I leave office, I will be asking the Chief Constable what more can be done here, both by getting communities to help themselves and by aggressively targeting those known criminals who have chosen such crimes as a profession. 

“Lastly, I must mention again that I remain resolutely of the view that society needs to address the issue of alcohol (which continues to lie behind many crimes, particularly those involving assault).  Ridiculous licensing which allows, for example, City premises to be open until 6 or 7 in the morning is hardly conducive to good social order – and the associated drain on our police, coupled with the threat to medical staff remains, in my view, wholly unacceptable.

“I wish my successor well as he or she continues to monitor force performance – I remain enormously impressed by all that Leicestershire Police has done in my time, and for that I thank the Chief as well as each and every member of the force.”

Anyone with information about a crime in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland can call Leicestershire Police by dialling 101 (calls cost 15p) or call Crimestoppers free and anonymously on 0800 555 111.




Crime statistics:

Year                Total recorded
2013/14           60,868
2014/15           59,220
2015/16           59,281


Posted on Monday 9th May 2016
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