Commissioner lifts the lid on policing in Leicestershire for new PCC candidates

Prospective candidates for the post of Police and Crime Commissioner for Leicester, Leicestershire & Rutland are being invited to two information events ahead of the elections later this year.

Residents in Leicester, Leicestershire & Rutland will head to the polls on May 5 to elect a new Police and Crime Commissioner for Leicester, Leicestershire & Rutland to succeed Sir Clive Loader, who is standing down after his term of office.

The events, which are being held at Force HQ on February 22 and 29, have been designed to give prospective candidates a better understanding of the function of the PCC’s office, the challenges facing modern policing, the wider criminal justice and community safety partnership landscape.  

The events will be attended by the incumbent PCC (Sir Clive), Chief Executive Paul Stock, Chief Finance Officer, Helen King, Chief Constable Simon Cole and Deputy Chief Constable, Roger Bannister. At the second event, key strategic partners from across Leicester, Leicestershire & Rutland will also be present to answer questions on their role.

Presentations will be delivered on the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner’s business plan, outcomes that the PCC has achieved so far, the history of the force and various functions and operational departments and the Strategic partnership landscape.

Both the Chief Constable and Sir Clive will address candidates about the wider role of the PCC and how it integrates with the work taking place to make Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland safer.  

Announcing the events, Sir Clive said: “Police and Crime Commissioners have wide areas of responsibility, from holding the police to account on behalf of local people, commissioning services that will deliver tangible outcomes and setting the budget for policing to the provision of effective, tailored victims’ services.

“As the current PCC, I’m committed to openness and transparency and want to make sure that prospective candidates have all the information they need in equal measures. Modern policing is a challenging business but we’ve already made huge strides here in Leicestershire to tackle crime and rehabilitate offenders. Any incoming PCC will want to build on this good work and to do this they need a true and accurate picture of the risks and threats currently facing the Force in terms of our finances and crime.”

Police and Crime Commissioners are the public face of policing and are responsible for ensuring the Chief Constable is held to account and making the police answerable to the communities they serve.

To register your interest and attendance please contact Samantha Clarke on 0116 229 8983 or email



Media Enquiries:   Sallie Blair - 01283 821012 / 07702 541401


Posted on Monday 9th May 2016
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