Say 'thank you' to police urges PCC

Leicestershire’s Police and Crime Commissioner has urged people to say ‘thank you’ to police officers and staff after the police watchdog praised the way Leicestershire Police prevents and detects crime and keeps the public safe.

Sir Clive Loader said a report out today by Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary (HMIC) clearly demonstrates that local people can have real confidence in the force to do a good job.

HMIC judged Leicestershire Police ‘good’ at preventing crime and antisocial behaviour and keeping people safe. The same verdict was also given for the way in which it investigates crime and manages offenders.

And the way Leicestershire works with other forces in the East Midlands means it is also judged ‘good’ at combating serious and organised crime.

In the report (HMIC Peel: Police Effectiveness 2015) inspectors said: “Leicestershire Police is good at keeping people safe and reducing crime. The force is committed to preventing crime and antisocial behaviour, investigations are of a good quality and the force works well at tackling serious and organised crime.”

The report continued: “Leicestershire Police has a ‘top-to-bottom’ commitment to continue to maximise the benefits of joint working, and shares information effectively with partners at county, district and neighbourhood level. This makes the best use of joint resources to keep people safe, manage harmful offenders and support victims effectively.

“The force has a strong approach to prevention which officers and staff understand well and a firm commitment to working with its partners, taking early action to prevent antisocial behaviour from happening in the first place and to prevent it from escalating.”

Sir Clive said: “In my view this report endorses what I and so many other people already know, which is our police officers and staff are hugely dedicated people who do an extraordinary job in protecting us and keeping our communities safe.

“They certainly have my thanks and I would urge everyone, if they see a police officer, PCSO or another member of police staff, to go up to them and say thank you. They deserve it.”

The HMIC report did say Leicestershire Police needs to improve the way it protects vulnerable people and supports victims. But Sir Clive said he remained confident the force and its partners were moving in the right direction to ensure victims and vulnerable people were given all the help they needed.

He said: “This inspection by HMIC was carried out prior to the launch of Victim First, the service which gives victims and witnesses a greater voice and is committed to giving them the help and support they need.

“Of course, there is always more that can be done but I am confident that the force will continue to strive for improvements in this hugely important area.”

Sir Clive said he was delighted that HMIC had recognised Leicestershire’s capability to respond to national threats, such as terrorism, serious cyber-crime incidents and child sexual abuse.

And he said praise for the way the force tackles serious and organised crime in partnership with its neighbouring forces, was another example of how greater collaboration can pay dividends.



Media Enquiries:    Sallie Blair - 01283 821012 / 07702 541401


Posted on Monday 9th May 2016
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