Police performance rating should raise public confidence says PCC

People should have increased confidence in Leicestershire Police to keep them safe following an assessment from the police watchdog about the force’s capabilities.

That’s the view of Police and Crime Commissioner Sir Clive Loader who believes the positive rating from Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary (HMIC) is testament to the skill and dedication of Leicestershire’s officers and staff.

All forces across the country have been inspected by HMIC and assessed on their effectiveness, efficiency and legitimacy.

And Leicestershire has been graded ‘good’ across all three areas.

HMI Zoë Billingham said: “I am very pleased with the performance of Leicestershire Police in keeping people safe and reducing crime.

“The force is good at keeping people safe and tackling crime, including managing serious and organised crime.”

She said Leicestershire Police understands the demands it faces and is well prepared to face its future financial challenges. She also praised the way it successfully engages with the people through effective neighbourhood policing and its use of social media to communicate with the public.”

For the first time HMIC has also assessed the force’s leadership and believes Leicestershire Police is a well led force.

Sir Clive said he was delighted by the overall assessment from HMIC.

He said: “The Inspectorate’s Leadership report and overall conclusions are very reassuring for our communities, who now have official verification that the service provided by Leicestershire Police merits a ‘good’ grading.

“That this has been achieved in a time of financial challenge, necessitating significant changes in the way that service is delivered is testament to the strength of leadership within the force for which I too would like to add my appreciation.

“This report should only enhance people’s trust and confidence in Leicestershire Police to protect them and keep their communities safe.”



Media Enquiries:    Sallie Blair - 01283 821012 / 07702 541401


Posted on Monday 9th May 2016
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