Response to letters received re proper enforcement of the Hunting Act 2004

A number of people have sent a copy of standard letter to me in relation to a report recently published by the International Fund for Animal Welfare.

I am aware that hunting, legal or illegal, is a highly emotive issue and that there is a huge strength of feeling on both sides.   It is my view that any illegal act, be it harassment, assault or indeed participation in an illegal hunt, should be investigated and wherever possible the offender(s) held to account for their actions.   Furthermore, like you, I absolutely expect any crime to receive a proportionate level of investigation and service.

I understand from your correspondence that Leicestershire Police has a copy of the report.  As I’m sure you are already aware, investigation of any illegal activity is an operational issue and therefore the responsibility of the Chief Constable.  It is not within my remit.

Due to the volume of ‘chain-mail’ received on the subject I intend to publish this reply on my website to alleviate further compromising our already stretched resources. 

Finally, from the correspondence received thus far, there is no indication of the writer’s location, or whether they are resident of Leicester, Leicestershire or Rutland.  Nor are there any specific claims of criminal activity.  For clarity, any allegations should be reported to the police (simply dial 101) or if preferred anonymously via Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.  In an emergency situation you should always call 999.

With kind regards


Sir Clive Loader

Police and Crime Commissioner


Posted on Monday 9th May 2016
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