Funding for domestic abuse and sexual violence support

Organisations who support victims of domestic abuse and sexual violence across Leicestershire are being invited to apply for funding from the Police and Crime Commissioner through funding made available from the Ministry of Justice (MOJ)

The Ministry of Justice (MoJ) has announced two funds for:

Funding Available:

Critical Support Fund:

  • Community-based support (£1.5m)
  • ISVA/IDVA roles (£1.3m)

 Male Rape Support Service Fund  £1.4m


The deadline for submissions of applications to the MOJ is 25 June 2021, therefore we would ask that interested parties submit their applications to the Office of the Police Crime Commissioner by the close of play on 23 June 2021.

Details of how to apply for the different funds can be found below:


There are funding streams for Community-based support and ISVA/IDVA roles:

Community based support


To be eligible for this funding, the organisation must provide tailored support to all victims who have experienced DA or SV at any point in their life. This includes adults and children. The funding can be used to support existing clients as well as new referrals. This is exceptional funding and can be used for DA and SV community-based services or ISVAs and IDVAs (subject to which pot is bid into); however, it should be used only for core service capacity.

Organisations must be based in England and Wales. Organisations do not need to be a registered charity, a charitable incorporated organisation, or a social enterprise, including companies limited by guarantee and community interest companies, to be eligible for this funding. They must, however, provide support services which have the purpose of helping victims of SV or DA cope with the impacts of crime, and, as far as possible, recover from the harm they have experienced. Services must be free at the point of delivery.

Evaluation Criteria (Community-based services):

Funding must be used to meet increased demand and not for development or transformational purposes. This can include, but is not limited to, core staffing costs that cannot be met by any other current funding stream and known future funding streams, additional staff costs, service costs, and digital equipment to support better home-working and remote services.

All bids will be assessed on:

  • local assessment of need and how it cannot be met through existing funding streams;
  • the impact of this funding i.e. how this will meet unmet need and help to support an increased number of DA and SV victims; and
  • assurance that this funding can be spent within the grant period.

The following outcomes should be met by this funding:

  • Reduced waiting times for DA and SV victims, meaning they are able to access the support they need, when they need it, within their local area;
  • Reduced caseloads to safe and manageable levels; and
  • Service providers are better equipped to meet increased demand for DA and SV services, and to provide a high-quality service to victims.

Application Process:  

If you would like to apply for funding and your organisation/service can meet the eligibility criteria then please download and complete the following:


The deadline for submissions of applications to the MOJ is 25 June 2021, therefore we would ask that interested parties submit their applications to the Office of the Police Crime Commissioner by the close of play on 23 June 2021.

Please send your completed Application form, Eligibility statement and a copy of your organisations audited accounts to




The National ISVA and IDVA Fund which will be distributed through Expressions of Interest (EOI).

Scope of the Funding (Eligibility):

The purpose of the Fund is to increase advocacy support for victims and survivors of sexual violence (SV) and domestic abuse (DA) across England and Wales, including children. While we expect this to focus predominantly on increasing the number of ISVAs and IDVAs across local areas to expand service capacity in response to the pandemic, we are also interested in receiving EOIs for innovative models of advocacy support for these groups of victims.

The EOIs should ensure that funding is directed in full to the employment of additional advocates, including training and on-costs. Translation costs will also be considered.

We expect to see EOIs for services that:

  • offer tailored support for under-represented survivors and those with protected characteristics;
  • propose innovative advocacy models as well as for established roles such as IDVAs and ISVAs, for both adults and children;
  • adopt hybrid models supporting both DA and SV victims, as well as violence against women and girls (VAWG) advocates and advisers, provided they will be supporting victims of SV and/or DA.

Specific roles eligible for this fund include:

  • ISVAs And ISVA Managers (provided these managers have an active caseload of victims)
  • IDVAs And IDVA Managers (provided these managers have an active caseload of victims)
  • Child specialist ISVAs and IDVAs


We expect all advocates to be working towards the following outcomes;

  • Survivors have access to support that is individually tailored to their level of risk and support needs
  • Survivors who want support to navigate the criminal justice system, and have been impacted by disruption in the criminal justice system, has an advocate to support them throughout all stages of their journey
  • Survivors have someone to advocate on their behalf, to ensure their views and needs are heard and upheld, such as within the criminal justice process, the MARAC process, or in engagement with a range of other statutory and voluntary agencies.  

Evaluation Criteria:

Expressions of interest will be evaluated based on the information provided in the downloadable template below for the following tabs:

  1. Local assessment of need, and
  2. Detail of posts required.

Ineligible Expenditure:

Per Cabinet Office guidelines, none of this funding can support:

  • campaigning activities (this fund is to support the delivery of direct services for vulnerable people);
  • religious activities outside of projects benefiting the wider community and not containing religious content;
  • political or lobbying activities;
  • loan repayments or outstanding debts; or
  • activities that make profit for private gain.

Funding must not be used for capital works e.g. building repairs but can be used for other capital costs such as ICT equipment to enhance your communications and help reach local people.

Funding for support for victims of domestic abuse in safe accommodation is subject to a separate funding process run by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG). MoJ funding must not be used to provide accommodation-based services.

Funding cannot be used for victims of any crime types other than those listed in this document.

Funding must be spent within the relevant grant funding period.

Application Process:  

If you would like to apply for funding and your organisation/service can meet the eligibility criteria then please download and complete the following:

The deadline for submissions of applications to the MOJ is 25 June 2021, therefore we would ask that interested parties submit their applications to the Office of the Police Crime Commissioner by the close of play on 23 June 2021.

Please send your completed Application form, Eligibility statement and a copy of your organisations audited accounts to




This Fund is open to MoJ directly commissioned services (those in receipt of grants from the Rape and Sexual Abuse Support Fund - RSF) and PCC commissioned and non-commissioned specialist services (i.e. those not currently receiving grant funding from either MoJ or a PCC, but who can evidence they meet the criteria of the Fund).

Proposals must be focused on the delivery of high-quality specialist sexual violence services to meet the specific needs of men and boys, and aim to respond to demand arising as a result of the pandemic. 

£1.4m is available for this financial year only, until 31 March 2022. While there is no formal cap on the amount a single organisation can bid for, we require all bids to demonstrate they are scalable.

Organisations not currently in receipt of a grant from the MoJ Rape and Sexual Abuse Support Fund will need to submit applications via their local Police and Crime Commissioner.


To be eligible for this funding, the organisation must currently provide support specifically tailored to meet the needs of male victims of rape and sexual abuse, including recent and non-recent child sexual abuse. Organisations must have a proven track record of effectively supporting male survivors, ideally over several years, and be able to evidence how funding will enable more male survivors to be supported.

Priority will be to allocate funding to trauma-informed sexual violence support services, rather than to generic mental health services.

Bids must meet all of the following eligibility criteria:

  • The service must be able to provide specialist support to male victims who have experienced rape or sexual abuse at any point in their life. This includes specialist male-only organisations, as well as organisations that support all genders and whose offer includes tailored support for men and boys.  
  • The organisation must be a registered, independent charity and/or a service that operates in the public interest.
  • The organisation must be not for profit.
  • Services must be free at the point of delivery.
  • Services must be independent of the Police and the Criminal Justice System.
  • The organisation must ensure it meets and maintains current national standards for quality and best practice throughout the Funding Period.

Ineligible expenditure:

In line with Cabinet Office guidelines, none of this funding can support:

  • Campaigning activities (this Fund is to support the delivery of direct services for victims)
  • Religious activities outside of projects benefiting the wider community and not containing religious content
  • Political or lobbying activities
  • Loan repayments or outstanding debts 
  • Activities that make profit for private gain.
  • Funding must also not be used for capital works e.g. building repairs but can be used for other capital costs such as ICT equipment to enhance communication and extend service reach.

Evaluation criteria:

Bids will be evaluated and scored based on the following criteria: 

  • Need – the proposal must address unmet need for men and boys as a result of the pandemic; bids should indicate how many victims will benefit from the support offered.  
  • Specialism – understanding of the gender-specific needs of male victims and survivors of sexual violence and abuse; experience of providing tailored sexual violence support to men and boys.
  • Delivery of a high-quality service – service providers must evidence the skills and capacity to deliver effective support programmes and interventions to enable men and boys to cope and recover from their experiences. 
  • Ability to deliver the proposed support as soon as possible and demonstrate the ability to spend the grant monies in the period for which they are allocated (i.e. by 31 March 2022).
  • Value for money


The Fund seeks to deliver the following outcomes:

  • Male survivors have access to high quality services that are sensitive and responsive to the gender specific needs of men and boys.
  • Service providers are better equipped to provide a high quality and bespoke support offer for men and boys.
  • Male survivors are empowered to identify and report what a positive outcome of the support would be for them and this is captured by the service.

Application Process

If you would like to apply for funding and your organisation/service can meet the eligibility criteria then please download and complete the following:

The deadline for submissions of applications to the MOJ is 25 June 2021, therefore we would ask that interested parties submit their applications to the Office of the Police Crime Commissioner by the close of play on 23 June 2021.

Please send your completed Expression of Interest form, Eligibility statement and a copy of your organisations audited accounts to