Purpose of Reports:
The purpose of the Corporate Governance Board is to measure Leicestershire Police's performance against the priorities documented in the Police and Crime Plan. Standing agenda items are included routinely such as Finance, Corporate Risk and Operational Updates among others, with room for flexibility for the Police and Crime Commissioner to request evidence of Force action based on emerging items or items of public interest.
Previously known as the Strategic Assurance Board (SAB), the Corporate Governance Board is held every eight weeks between the Police and Crime Commissioner and senior members of his office and the Chief Officer Team. This Board is an integral part of the Police and Crime Commissioner's Corporate Governance Framework, providing an enhanced focus on accountability and scrutiny on behalf of the public.
The purpose of the Corporate Governance Board reports is to summarise the meetings held, honouring our Specified Information Order requirement to provide the Police and Crime Commissioner and members of the public with evidence that the Police and Crime Commissioner is holding the Chief Constable to account.
To see how these reports are used at the Police and Crime Panel, please browse the meetings on Leicester County Council's website.
Corporate Governance Board - Decision Logs: