People Zones Grants Funding - 2024-2025

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The third round (Round 3) opens Monday 6th January 2025 at 9am and closes Monday 3rd February 2025 at 5pm.

We welcome applications from all three People Zones (New Parks, Bell Foundry and Thringstone & Whitwick).

You must either be living, working, providing a service or looking to provide a service within one or more of these People Zones to be eligible to apply.

Please see the Guidance and Application Pack for your reference (available to download below).  We strongly suggest you read the guidance before completing the application.  Please note that, in order for your application to be accepted, you will need to complete the Eligibility Criteria document (available in the pack).  If you are successful you will then be required to complete the monitoring documents.

If you have any questions, or additional accessibility requirements, please email the team at


We have also created a video to give you some pointers on completing your application which can also be found below.


Funding Tables:

Information on the funding received by organisations for each round can be found below:



Round 1 Funding Table

The Police and Crime Commissioner approved to fund five bids in this round.  This equates to a funding commitment of  £36,046.41.

People Zone
Name of Project
Project Brief
Amount of
Bell Foundry Cobden Primary School Cobden Community Garden This project plans to develop a garden space with students for them to have a sense of pride and ownership in. The aim is to improve the health and wellbeing of all students, with a particular focus on targeting those that haveadditional vulnerabilities.  £9,812.65
New Parks Team Hub CIC Team Tots - Supporting Young Parents

This project will create a dedicated parent and baby group in a safe space, where young parents can gain the support that they need.

New Parks Soft Touch Arts Project Enable - Old Group

This project will provide targeted sessions for 15-20 hard to reach young people who are known to the police. The aim is to undertake mini projects that enhance indoor and outdoor public spaces on the estate, through making planters, benches, murals and more.

New Parks Leicester West Circuit Men's Shed

Develop existing provision to provide a practical space where things can be made or repaired/people can undertake gardening projects/engage in the Tools for Self-Reliance project all year round; by building a covered working area suitable for all weathers.

Thringstone &
Whitwick St. John Primary School Enhancing School Sports Facilities

This project aims to enhance the school ball court to facilitate structured activities promoting youth engagement, community safety and wellbeing.


Round 2 Funding Table

The Police and Crime Commissioner approved to fund six bids in this round.  This equates to a funding commitment of  £39,305.40.

People Zone

Name of Project
Project Brief
Amount of Funding
Bell Foundry Love4Life Supporting Vulnerable Teenage Girls in Bell Foundry This project supports girls to recognise their value and potential, inspiring them to set higher goals, engage positively with education and employment, and make healthier life choices.  £4,045.00
Bell Foundry Real Purpose Ltd Bell Foundry Enterprise, Employment & Volunteering Project (BEEVP) This project will train residents to work as community coaches and as such this is a combination of skills development, voluntary work, as well as enhancing the community when they are fully fledged, who can assist the community to increase its numbers who are in meaningful occupations, such as a job, volunteering and/ or learning.   £9,381.60
New Parks New Parks Adventure Playground Little Adventurers Pre-School With only one other (full) pre-school within the area, this project will fill a gap in provision by providing children aged 2+ with a range of engaging activities that support their learning and development. £4,568.92
Bell Foundry Regul8 De-Stress Club The De-Stress Club is a weekly youth activity that supports young people to better understand their emotions and find positive coping strategies that work for them, with the aim to reduce violent and anti-social behaviours. £9,133.88
New Parks Team Hub CIC Supporting Young People 2 This project will provide young people with a safe place and positive role models they trust, thus reducing ASB and making the streets safer. The aim is to support young people in becoming a positive part of their community and setting their own goals to make positive changes to their lives. £9,976.00
Thringstone & Whitwick Whitwick Scouts Group WSG Mower Replacement This Project will part-cover the required funding for a replacement, adequately rated nearly new replacement Mower £2,200.00