Hate Crime Scrutiny Panel


The panel is a voluntary community scrutiny panel established in 2024, with the first meeting on 10th July 2024.  The panel, consisting of eight volunteers and one Eithics and Transparency representative all of whom went through a full recruitment process, will meet four times per year to scrutinise up to 12 non-live cases of hate crimes.

The panel will review the closed and redacted cases in full, considering case details and officer practice in relation to each case.  The panel will refer to scrutiny questions which relate to Force policy and procedure for hate crimes and, using these questions, determine whether or not the case has been handled appropriately by the responding officer and reviewing officers.

The panel will identify areas of notable practice as well as areas for improvement and put these recommendations to the PCC through an Annual Report to the Ethics and Transparency Panel each December. 

The panel's aim is to effect change by improving service, encouraging the sharing of notable practice with other regional and national forces and improving victim experience.  The panel reflects the diversity of Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland and has members with lived experience of hate crime.

Each member, including the elected Chair and Deputy Chair, is appointed on a two year basis, at which point all will be subject to review.

Panel member details can be found here.


If you wish to be on a mailing list for future recruitment drives please email clare.hornbuckle@leics.police.uk indicating your interest.


A schedule of meetings can be found below:

  • Wednesday, 10th July 2024
  • Wednesday, 9th October 2024
  • Wednesday, 15th January 2025
  • Wednesday 9th April 2025


Minutes of meetings held:

  •  Minutes of meetings held can be found HERE.