FOI Disclosure Log 2022

Date of

Nature of Request


I would like to establish the full staffing costs including off-payroll personnel.

Your website quotes the number of staff "directly employed" as 24. During the course of 2022, how many other people have been engaged other than on PAYE -(so-called service contracts etc.). What roles have these individuals filled, for what period of time & what for each has been the total cost (i.e. incl. expenses etc) for that period.

Which (if any) of these people are currently engaged?

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Dear Leicestershire Police and Crime Commissioner, you run a Twitter account you describe as personal, despite heavy references to your role as PCC. You almost always include a photo of yourself taken by a someone else. Please confirm that none of these photos incur any cost whatsoever to the taxpayer i.e. that you wholly fund any costs yourself.

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Rupert Matthews has stated that he recently held a meeting with Luke Evans, the Bosworth MP.

1) When & where did it take place?
2) How long did it last?
3) Who else was in attendance?
4) What record is there of what was discussed/agreed?

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Please can your organisation provide in Excel CSV format, the following information:
a) The number of roles in your association (expressed in numbers of FTE), that are mainly or exclusively focussed on issues of equality, diversity, or inclusivity. For example, this could include (amongst other guises) “EDI officers” or “diversity and inclusion project managers” but would not include general HR managers.

b) Either a) the pay band of each of these roles, or b) the combined total salaries for these roles. Whichever measure is more in accordance with your data preferences.

c) In the past 12 months the number of staff days across your organisation which have been committed to attending equality training programmes, whether internally run or with external consultants. (staff days = duration of the training programme multiplied by the number of staff in attendance for the course).

d) The contractual cost of any consultants hired, in the past twelve months, to provide any external training or advice on issues of diversity, equality, or inclusivity.

e) In the past twelve months, the number of staff days committed to attending conferences relating mainly or exclusively to matters of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion. (duration of conference multiplied by the number of staff in attendance).

f) The costs of attending these conferences.

g) Membership costs the organisation pays for participation in equality charters such as the Stonewall Equality Champions, or Diversity and Inclusion Workplace champions.

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Under the Freedom of Information Act I ask whether you have had any interactions with Steve Turner, PCC for Cleveland, regarding the tribunal to be held on Mr Veale concerning the allegations made whilst he was working as Chief Constable for Cleveland. If you have, please describe the nature and content of the interaction(s).

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You will know that speeding is a concern of many residents across the county. What information do you have regarding:

  1. The strategy the police have established to address the problem to ensure a sustained improvement that satisfies residents
  2. The specific objectives it has set and the associated timescales.
  3. The specific actions it has planned and the measurable benefits expected.
  4. How it will track & report progress towards the targets.
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Please can you provide me with a:

  • Copy of the PCC policy on Bullying in the Workplace and Whistleblowing.
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  1. The resources(officers, special teams etc.) delivered to Rutland County Council by Leicester Police Services for the overall policing and crime management of Rutland County Council.
  2. The total annual cost of maintaining the office of the Crime and Police Commission.
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  1. What road victims support services do you offer?
  2. Who provides your road victims support services?
  3. Who is eligible for road victim support?
  4. What number/percentage of road victims receive road victims support?
  5. What number/percentage of road victims do not take up an offer of road victims support?
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1.  Please provide a breakdown of all costs associated with the running of the office of the
     Police and Crime Commissioner in your force, for 2019, 2020 and 2021.

This is to include (not an exhaustive list):

Staffing Related Costs,
Transport and ICV Expenses,
Supplies and Services and Surveys,
Audit and Professional Fees,
Communications and IT,
Misconduct Tribunal Appeal Costs,
Communications/PR Contract, and any other associated costs with running the office.

2.   Additionally, please provide a breakdown of the salaries of the 5 highest-paid employees
      within the office of the Police and Crime Commissioner.

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Thank you for your leaflet which I received with my council tax bill.

These leaflets are great in keeping us informed but it lacks any meaningful substance that I can benchmark progress on next year and your expectations for the force.  I live in Coleorton in NW Leicestershire, can you please share with me the details behind what you mean and impact to this village specifically:

  1. ‘I expect to see ?’
  2. service improvement in 2022/23
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The following information is requested:

  1. Payments by Leicestershire's OPCC to Mike Veale or any associated entity. This is already partly in the public domain thanks to monthly publication of documents listing spending in excess of £500.  However, neither the force nor the OPCC has published documents for the following months: May, June, July, August, September, November of 2021 and February of 2022. I would like to see copies of these payments.
  2. Expenses claims submitted by Mike Veale or an associated entity, including confirmation of whether they were approved for payment.
  3. Reports or briefing documents authored solely or jointly by Mike Veale for the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner.
  4. Was the post held by Mr Veale advertised? If so, how many people were interviewed and where and when did these interviews take place?
  5. If the post was not advertised, on what criteria was Mr Veale judged and selected for the role?
  6. Is he still in post?
  7. Is he on a fixed-term contract? If so, when does that contract end?
  8. Was the PCC Mr Matthews aware that Mr Veale potentially faced misconduct proceedings when he appointed him?
  9. How, where and when did Mr Matthews first become acquainted with Mr Veale?
  10. Finally, I would like to request copies of emails, letters, texts or other communications between Mr Matthews and Mr Veale between January and May 2021.
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I am writing to enquire how many break outs occurred from HMP Gartree in Leicestershire in the year 2021.

I appreciate that an actual escape is classified as ‘unlawfully gaining liberty for 15 mins or more by breaching the secure perimeter of a closed prison, or if during prison staff escort, overcome the control of escorting staff and leave the escort, the van or the building (hospital etc.). Those who escape for less than 15 minutes and commit an offence are also recorded as an escape.’

My question specifically relates to local reports of a prisoner being at liberty from the prison estate of HMP Gartree during 2021. Heavy Police activity was observed in the area. It may well be that an inmate absconded for less than 15 mins and did not commit any other offence so would not appear in the usual published figures.

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  1. How many people, including full-time, part-time and temporary employees, are currently recorded as being based at your main office, either by having a desk or a security pass or any other metric that you use?
  2. Of these, how many were recorded as having entered the building on the following days:

a. Monday 6th September 2021
b. Monday 13th December 2021
c. Monday 24th January 2022

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  • Please provide the following information for 2018-19, 2019-20 and 2020-21:

The value of grants made to each of the organisations listed below. Please provide the information for each of the three financial years separately, and list all grants separately.

  • The value of loans made to each of the organisations listed below. Please provide the information for each of the three financial years separately, and list all loans separately.

The payments made to charities and third sector organisations relate to the following only:

•    Royal Society for Public Health (RSPH)
•    Independent Sage
•    NHS Confederation
•    Keep our NHS public
•    SOS NHS
•    Care and Support Workers Organise
•    Health Campaigns Together
•    Doctors for the NHS
•    We Own It
•    The People's Assembly
•    Zero Covid Coalition
•    Health Campaign Together
•    Docs Not Cops
•    British Association of Physicians of Indian Origin
•    Association of Pakistani Physicians of Northern Europe
•    Royal College of General Practitioners
•    Royal College of Ophthalmology
•    Royal College of Psychiatrists
•    Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists

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21/02/2022 3545/22

I would like to request the following information:

  1. Please confirm whether your police force has considered entering into a collaboration agreement pursuant tosection 22A of the Police Act 1996 (as amended by the PRSRA) to establish a Forensic Capability Network (FCN).
  2. Please confirm whether, as a result of such consideration, that such an agreement has been signed and if not pleasesupply the reasons for not entering such an agreement.
  3. If, such an agreement has been entered, please supply the date on which the agreement came into legal force.
  4. Please confirm whether your police force has agreed that the Forensic Capability Network will prepare the nextround of contracts for physical forensic services as part of their "next generation procurement" as detailed here on theFCN website, in other words, is your police force using this process or something else to procure such services?
  5. If your police force is using something other than the Forensic Capability Network's process described in (4), pleaseprovide information as to what that process is.
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17/02/2022 0001/22

Bearing in mind the exodus of staff from your office since you arrived, including the whole of the senior management team that was in place when you arrived, can you confirm:

  1. that each departing member of staff has completed an exit survey in line with standard HR practice;
  2. if not, why not; and
  3. if these surveys have been done, can you provide a summary of the findings from these surveys that explains the reasons for such a high turnover rate?
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