Date of Request | Reference | Nature of Request | Download Response |
03/12/2024 |
- What are the contractual performance KPI's for this contract?
- Suppliers who applied for inclusion on each framework/contract and were successful & not successful at the PQQ & ITT stages • Actual spend on this contract/framework (and any sub lots), from the start of the contract to the current date • Start date & duration of framework/contract?
- Could you please provide a copy of the service/product specification given to all bidders for when this contract was last advertised?
- Is there an extension clause in the framework(s)/contract(s) and, if so, the duration of the extension?
- Has a decision been made yet on whether the framework(s)/contract(s) are being either extended or renewed?
- Who is the senior officer (outside of procurement) responsible for this contract?
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31/10/2024 |
Please accept this request under the Freedom of Information Act. I’m seeking:
- A breakdown of spending by the OPCC for Leicestershire via the government’s G-Cloud Network from 2022/23 to 2024/25 inclusive. For each expenditure item please provide the name of the framework, the expenditure amount, and the service ID.
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30/10/2024 |
Does the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner current fund any support services for victims of non-criminal anti-social behaviour in the police force area?
If yes, please can you provide details of the service commissioned, including the funding provided and how many victims were supported last year.
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20/09/2024 |
As a freedom of information request, please provide the following data on Riot Compensation Act claims.
How many Riot Compensation Act Claims did your claims authority receive between 30th July and 19th September? If possible, how many claims were in connection to the national disorder that took place between 30th July and 6th August 2024?
What is the value of Riot Compensation Act Claims your claims authority received between 30th July and 19th September? Please provide: a) The total figure in pound sterling b) If possible, figures broken down by individual claim.
If possible, please provide the value of Riot Compensation Act claims your claims authority received which were in connection to the national disorder that took place between 30th July and 6th August 2024. Please provide a) The total figure in pound sterling b) If possible, figures broken down by individual claim.
If possible, what is the value of Riot Compensation Act claims your claims authority paid out to claims made between 30th July and 19th September? Please provide a) The total figure in pound sterling b) Figures broken down by individual claim, if possible, including the highest and lowest amounts claimed in pound sterling.
If possible, please provide the value of Riot Compensation Act claims your claims authority paid out to claims made which were in connection to the riots that took place between 30th July and 6th August 2024. Please provide a) The total figure in pound sterling b) Figures broken down by individual claim, including the highest and lowest amounts claimed in pound sterling.
Please provide any relevant additional information or comments.
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03/07/2024 |
Can you please tell me:
- If the police estate has been surveyed to see whether its buildings contain Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC)
- If so, when the surveys took place?
- How many buildings were identified as containing the material?
- What, if any, action has been taken as a result of the findings?
- How much money has been spent on such action to date?
- What is the total estimated future cost of action to deal with RAAC?
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21/06/2024 |
Under the Freedom of Information Act, for the tax years 2014/15 to 2022/23 inclusive, please would you please fully disclose the following details, breaking the figures by year:
- How much revenue has been received by your organisation for services rendered to film and television productions? This could include location rental, permits and all other services related to film productions using your personnel or resources.
- Please outline the type of work or service rendered, in each case and disclose the revenue received for each type of service.
- How much has your organisation spent on facilitating such arrangements between 2014/15 to 2022/23, inclusive, broken down by year?
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19/05/2024 |
Please provide the following information for your Domestic Abuse Perpetrator Programme for the 2022/2023 Financial Year.
1. The Name/Title/Scope of the commissioned programme in your area including programmes designed for male victims that accept/engage/support females 2. The total number of females who self-referred into the programme 3. The total number of self-referred females who were accepted onto the programme 4. The total number of self-referred females who have completed the programme 5. The total number of females referred by an agency (e.g., police, social service etc.) into the programme 6. The total number of referred females who were accepted on to the programme 7. The total number of referred females who have completed the programme 8. The names of the organisations who have made a referral to the programme
Link to evaluation of programme efficacy:
9. Financial Contributors - inclusive of Statutory, Non-Statutory Organisations and individual voluntary donations) 10. Budget inclusive of Running Costs
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09/05/2024 |
The allocation of funding from the council to certain organisations within the community. Specifically, I would like to request the following information regarding funding allocations made by the council to the following groups:
- Friends of the Earth
- Plant-Based Future
- Greenpeace
- Media
- Extinction Rebellion
I am seeking data for the period from January 1, 2018, to the present day (or the most recent date for which records are available). Please provide the following details for each organization:
- Total amount of funding allocated to the organisation.
- Breakdown of funding by year (2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024).
- Purpose or project for which the funding was allocated, if available.
- Any terms or conditions associated with the funding allocation.
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26/04/2024 |
Spend on Office supplies and associated products for the below financial years.
- 1st April 2022 – 31st March 2023, 1st April 2023 – 31st March 2024
- Start date & duration of Contract?
- Is there an extension clause in the contract and, if so, the duration of the extension?
- Has a decision been made yet on whether the contract is to be either extended or renewed?
- Who is the senior officer (outside of procurement) responsible for the contract?
- Name of Incumbent Supplier?
- How long have you traded with them?
- If you publish your register of contracts and purchasing, can you please provide a website link. In addition, can you confirm if you have a contract in place for Tail End Spend.
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11/03/2024 |
Between 14 May 2021 and the present day, I would like copies of all printed material distributed to households in the Leicester, Leicestershire, and Rutland area.
For the purpose of this request, "printed material" encompasses but is not limited to:
- Leaflets
- Pamphlets
- Brochures
- Posters
- Flyers
- Booklets
I would like to receive the information in a PNG or JPEG format.
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18/03/2024 |
I am writing to make an information request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. I am interested in the following information:
1. Please confirm if the VRU has a detailed Theory of Change or Logic Model which underpins the Violence Reduction Programme. If yes, please provide:
a) A copy of the Theory of Change and/or Detailed Logic Model or a link to where the Theory of Change is published.
b) The date the Theory of Change was formally adopted by the VRU to underpin its Violence Reduction Programme.
c) A summary of how the Theory of Change and Logic Model was developed.
2. When commissioning services for delivery to the VRU programme, please confirm whether the VRU routinely requests details of the Theory of Change/Logic Models from proposed commissioned providers. If yes, please provide copies of the Theory of Change documents/evidence provided by the last three service providers commissioned by the VRU.
3. Please confirm how often the VRU’s Theory of Change has been formally evaluated by the VRU since 2018. Please confirm the dates of any evaluation(s) and a copy of (or link to) any evaluation reports or supporting documents.
4. Please confirm the level of funding received from the Home Office to support VRU activity since 2018.
5. Please confirm the number of commissioned services procured by the VRU each year since 2018.
6. For each year since 2018, please confirm how many of these individual commissioned services have been evaluated by the VRU or independently, over and above any overarching evaluation of VRU performance itself.
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05/03/2024 |
In 2022, the PCC announced that he had a strategy to deal with the widespread public concern over speeding (Your ref: 00013/22-Doc 399-21). However, the amount of speeding has continued to rise rapidly and the PCC claimsto be still working on it
What information is available to explain:
- Why the 2022 strategy has so spectacularly failed?
- What targets have been set to ensure this failure is not repeated?
- What specific actions have now been put in place to ensure these targets are achieved?
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27/02/2024 |
In line with the legal recognition of ethical veganism as a protected philosophical belief under the Equality Act 2010 since January 2020, any written communication from 2020 to 2023 inclusively between the Police and Crime Commissione
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26/02/2024 |
Can you kindly provide me with a copy of your most recent Executive Summary/Evaluation of your Perpetrator Programme(s) funded fully or in part by the Home Office Perpetrator Fund
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06/02/2024 |
1. Please can you provide details of any victims services commissioned by the OPCC exclusively for victims under the age of 18, including:
- Details of the service(s)
- The funding allocated to each service
- How many victims under the age of 18 were supported by these services. Please can these details be provided for the year 2022/23 and 2021/22
2. Please can you provide details of any victims services commissioned by the OPCC that provide support for victims under the age of 18 (even if the service is not exclusively for victims under the age of 18), including:
- Details of the service(s)
- The funding allocated to each service
- How many victims under the age of 18 were supported by these services.
Please can these details be provided for the year 2022/23 and 2021/22
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30/01/2024 |
Can you please let me know the steps for requesting a FOI? Before filing for a judicial review I need the following information:
- if the notes on my case mention a search of the public alley and finding illegal beer kegs at the back of the property 77 Windermere
- if the notes on my case mention my neighbours can control my water and shut it off
- if the notes from above if made were made prior to sending the letter to my GP
- if your officers receive training on gaslighting and subtle coercive behaviours if so what kind of training
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10/01/2024 |
We are requesting information to understand how many Child Independent Domestic Violence Advisers (CHIDVAs) and Child Independent Sexual Violence Advisers (CHISVAs) you currently commission. For the purposes of this Freedom of Information request, CHIDVAs and CHISVAs are independent domestic and sexual violence advisers who specifically work with children (under 18s), and not with adults.
We are looking to find:
- How many FTE Child Independent Domestic Violence Advisers (CHIDVAs) have you commissioned in the financial years 2023-2024; 2022-2023; 2021-2022?
- How many FTE Child Independent Sexual Violence Advisers (CHISVAs) have you commissioned in the financial years 2023-2024; 2022-2023; 2021-2022?
- How many FTE Child Independent Domestic Violence Advisers (CHIDVAs) and FTE Independent Sexual Violence Advisers (CHISVAs) have you co-commissioned with local authorities in the financial years 2023-2024; 2022-2023; 2021-2022?
- How may FTE Independent Domestic Violence Advisers (IDVAs) have you commissioned in the financial years 2023-2024; 2022-2023; 2021-2022?
- How many FTE Independent Sexual Violence Advisers (ISVAs) have you commissioned in the financial years 2023-2024; 2022-2023; 2021-2022?
- How many FTE Independent Domestic Violence Advisers (IDVAs) and FTE Independent Sexual Violence Advisers (ISVAs) have you co-commissioned with local authorities in the financial years 2023-2024; 2022-2023; 2021-2022?
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08/01/2024 |
I would like to request if your OFPCC have any contracts for research, projects or services with EAP Research Consultancy Ltd. This includes contracts yet to be reviewed/agreed or raised as business cases and what the GBP value of these contracts are.
Dates requested are from 31/10/22 to present date, also any future plans/contracts in the next 12 months with this Company.
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