Date of Request | Reference | Nature of Request | Download Response |
29/12/23 |
Please provide me with the following information for the financial years 2020/21, 2021/22, 2022/23.
All expenditure made by your organisation, in every facet of its operations and purview, on translation, interpretation, and language services.
Please provide the aggregated total spent by your organisation and then, if possible, please provide this broken down by particular function for which the service was carried out.
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22/12/23 |
I have recently received by email the latest newsletter of the Police and Crime Commissioner, Mr Rupert Matthews. In November I received a previous one.
Putting together such a newsletter must take a certain amount of staff time but it is clearly one way of keeping in touch with the public.
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22/12/23 |
Since you became PCC, a number of people in your office have left their posts via settlements made with you to terminate their contracts. Please provide the total cost of those settlements, including contract termination costs, payments for loss of office, redundancy costs, pension strain costs and notice period costs. This includes all posts in your office since you became PCC, including all CEOs and Deputy CEOs, whether permanent or interim, and any other managers or staff on any form of employment contract as well as any third party consultancy contract termination or compensation costs. For the sake of giving the total picture and for the avoidance of doubt, please include the out-of-court settlement with the previous ethics committee.
I am not asking that any individual post holder be identified, which would engage confidentiality issues. I only ask for the aggregate cost of all settlements reached.
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25/10/23 |
What is the Police and Crime Commissioner currently doing to combat knife crime?
- Please supply details of current initiatives.
- What has been spent (£) on these initiatives?
- Please supply figures for the past five years (calendar or financial) -- from 2018 to the present.
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16/10/23 |
I would like to know what system/vendor you use to advertise temporary roles and contracts through agency please?
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03/08/23 |
The allocation of funding for victim support services in your local area.
In particular, we are interested in seeing a break down in funding grants for local victim services, for both multi-crime services and specialist domestic abuse services, with the names of individual grantees included. Funding allocations made within the last 12 months will suffice
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25/03/23 |
Domestic Abuse Perpetrator Programme for the 2022/2023 Financial Year:
- The Name/Title/Scope of the commissioned programme in your area
- The total number of males who self-referred into the programme
- The total number of self-referred males who were accepted onto the programme
- The total number of self-referred males who have completed the programme
- The total number of males referred by an agency (e.g., police, social service etc.) into the programme
- The total number of referred males who were accepted on to the programme
- The total number of referred males who have completed the programme
- The names of the organisations who have made a referral to the programme
Link to evaluation of programme efficacy:
- Financial Contribusions (inclusive of Statutory, Non-Statutory Organisations and individual voluntary donations)
- Budget inclusive of Running Costs
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29/05/23 |
The PCC has arranged for mobile camera surveyance on the B581 at Dunton Bassett following a complaint from a resident.
Please provide:
- Copies of the correspondence between the PCC & resident (resident’s personal details redacted).
- The date on which the PCC visited the location and for how long was he there
- What equipment he used to measure the speed of the traffic and the results on which he based his referral to the police.
- Copies of the PCC’s recommendation to the police and any other body with regard to setting up the camera system.
The Leicestershire Road Safety Partnership insists that a number of prerequisites must be fulfilled before speed cameras (fixed or mobile) will be deployed. What evidence is there that the proper approval process has taken place for this location and that all the normal conditions have been fulfilled.
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09/05/23 |
I am currently running a survey about printing within public sector to get an understanding of the attitudes towards print, the types of technology used, and also any trends in ownership of print. I am making the following Freedom of Information Request to gather the relevant data.
Moreover, I would like to make a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for any and all records pertaining to Voice to Skull (V2K) technology and its use by your agency or organization. Specifically, I am seeking information on any research, development, or implementation of V2K technology by your agency or organization. This may include but is not limited to:
- Any contracts or agreements with private companies or other government agencies related to V2K technology.
- Any internal memos, reports, or communications discussing the use or potential use of V2K technology.
- Any studies or tests conducted on the effectiveness or safety of V2K technology.
- Any training materials or manuals related to the use of V2K technology.
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25/04/23 |
Please could you provide the following data:
- Average waiting time for victims of sexual abuse or violence who have requested support services commissioned by your PCC between the years below. Please categorise the data by the types of sexual violence and abuse support services your PCC commissions (e.g. counselling).
- Feb 14 2020-Feb 14 2021
- Feb 14 2021-Feb 14 2022
- Feb 14 2022-Feb 14 2023
- Average waiting time for victims of domestic abuse and violence who have requested support services commissioned by your PCC between the years below (where they are commissioned by your PCC). Please categorise the data by the types of domestic abuse and violence support services your PCC commissions (e.g. counselling).
- Feb 14 2020-Feb 14 2021
- Feb 14 2021-Feb 14 2022
- Feb 14 2022-Feb 14 2023
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31/03/23 |
- What are the OPCCs statistics for the number of domestic violence victims seeking help from the police for the year 2022/23?
- What is the required annual call capacity of the DV helpline service run by Freeva?
- Are you assessing the performance of the Freeva helpline and if yes, then how? What is the OPPC’s evaluation of need for the number of domestic violence victims requiring alternative accommodation/refuge for the year 2022/23
- What is the OPCC’s evaluation of need for the number of IDVAs required to support all high-risk victims of DV in the county in 2022/23?.
- What is the OPCC’s evaluation of the number of IDVAs required to work within the court setting to support survivors of DV in the county in 2022/23? How many FTE IDVAs were deployed across services and working with the police for the period 1st April 2022 to 28th Feb 2023
- How many DV CPS cases where the perpetrator pleaded not guilty were recorded across LEICS from 1st April 2022 to 28th Feb 2023? For these not guilty cases how many of these were provided with the support of an IDVA?
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19/04/23 |
- In the past financial year and separately for the current financial year to date, please provide the amount of money in £s which the OPCC has spent in total on settlements terminating any employment contracts, including the pension strain costs.
- Please provide a separate breakdown of that expenditure for the past financial year and a further separate breakdown of that expenditure for the current financial year to date e.g. settlements/redundancy/any payment in lieu of notice/pension strain costs/compensation/damages/witness expenses/legal costs/any other costs related to the process of terminating employment contracts
- Please provide the total number of individuals who agreed settlements terminating any employment contracts which resulted in this expenditure in the past financial year and separately for the financial year to date 2022/23 exit packages will be disclosed as part of the Statutory accounts which will be published in due course.
- Please provide the total number of settlements terminating any employment contracts which included tax indemnities in the past financial year and separately for the financial year to date Not aware of any – settlement agreements are confidential. Please speak to IM.
- Please provide the total number of settlements terminating any employment contracts which included clauses stating that the employee agreed not to bring any legal claims against the employer such as for unfair dismissal, discrimination or breach of contract in the past financial year and separately for the financial year to date Cannot be disclosed
- Please provide the total number of individuals who signed non-disclosure agreements when agreeing settlements terminating any employment contracts which resulted in this expenditure in the past financial year and separately for the financial year to date
Please provide these data in an .xlsx/.xls/.csv file format so I am capable to re-use them as per Section 11 of FOI.
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29/03/23 |
We would like information regarding the number of services commissioned by the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner in the past 12 months.
We are looking to find the number of services commissioned by Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner in the past 12 months for:
- Child Victims of Child Criminal Exploitation
- Child Victims of Child Sexual Exploitation
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10/03/23 |
Leicester Unrest 2022
- Briefing with the Mayor/Mayor Office
- Charges
- Convictions – Guilty Plea
- Convictions Found Guilty
- Not Found Guilty
- Prosecutions Pending
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12/03/23 |
The leaflet provided with Council Tax Bills for 2023/24, the PCC claims to have provided more PCSOs.
However, the local LibDems have publicly claimed the opposite - that PCSO numbers have reduced. Can you please clarify and confirm specifically the data you have used & what is included/excluded etc. (eg trainees).
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10/03/23 |
The budget for 2023/4 for the OPCC has been quoted as £1,630,000 (£230.19m x 0.71%).
1) For the 2022/3 year,
- What is the equivalent budget that was set at the beginning of the year?
- What is the outturn (i.e. the full-year actual forecasted expenditure)?
- What level of accruals does the outturn include?
2) For the years 2021/2 and 2020/1,
- What were the budgets set at the beginning of each year?
- What were the reported actual costs?
- What level of year end accruals did the actuals include?
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22/02/23 |
As you know, the Yew Lodge Hotel in Kegworth has been taken over by the Home Office to house asylum seekers. Please would you provide me with the following information:
- When did you first know that asylum seekers might be housed in Kegworth?
- Who informed you of this?
- What are your views on the suitability of the Yew Lodge and Kegworth as a location?
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08/03/23 |
I am currently running a survey about printing within public sector to get an understanding of the attitudes towards print, the types of technology used, and also any trends in ownership of print. I am making the following Freedom of Information Request to gather the relevant data.
- How many employees do you have?
- How many printers (A4, A3 single function or multi-function) do you have?
- How many print servers do you have?
- Do you use any print management software (Equitrac, SafeQ, PaperCut, PrinterLogic etc.)?
- Who supplies your printers, software and servers?
- If so, which do you use?
- What is the job title of the person responsible for printers within your organization?
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02/02/23 |
Dear Leicestershire Police and Crime Commissioner,
- On what date did Mike Veale resign?
- What was his contractual notice period & was he required to work it?
- On what date was his contract terminated & did all payments/benefits cease from that date? If not, what was the basis of any payments and in what amounts (itemised)?
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14/02/2023 |
I would be grateful if you would treat the following correspondence as a request for disclosure of the following information, under Freedom of Information law (FoI).
Description of information sought:
- In the past financial year and separately for the current financial year to date, please provide the amount of money in £s which the OPCC has paid out in total following the conclusion or settling of employment disputes, including, but not exclusively, those associated with Employment Tribunal claims
- Please provide a separate breakdown of that expenditure for the past financial year and a further separate breakdown of that expenditure for the current financial year to date e.g. settlements/compensation/damages/witness expenses/legal costs
- Please provide the total number of employment disputes and/or Employment Tribunal claims which resulted in this expenditure in the past financial year and separately for the financial year to date
- Please provide the total number of individual claimants involved in those disputes or claims which resulted in this expenditure in the past financial year and separately for the financial year to date
- Please provide the total number of employment disputes and/or Employment Tribunal claims against the OPCC which have not yet concluded for the past financial year and separately, for the current financial year to date
- Please provide the total number of individual claimants involved in those disputes or claims which have not yet concluded in the past financial year and separately for the financial year to date
- Please provide these data in an .xlsx/.xls/.csv file format so I am capable to re-use them as per Section 11 of FoI.
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02/02/23 |
Dear Leicestershire Police and Crime Commissioner, According to the Daily Mail, former Chief Constable of Cleveland police Mike Veal has stepped down from his role as interim chief executive:
- Please provide copies of the job description and person spec for the position.
- Please provide the number of candidates who were shortlisted for the position.
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01/02/23 |
Dear Leicestershire Police and Crime Commissioner, in a statement to the press, the PCC explained that he felt it necessary to change the remit of the ethics committee which ultimately resulted in a payment of £56,000 for unfair dismissal.
- Please provide copies of the before and after "Terms of Reference" showing the nature of these changes.
- Who appoints members of the committee?
- Do appointments have to be approved & if so by whom?
- To whom do members of the committee report?
- Who controls its workload - i.e. what it investigates & its priorities?
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23/01/23 |
I am writing to make a request under the Freedom of Information Act. Please could you provide me with the following information, in Excel or similar spreadsheet form if possible:
- How much your current and previous Commissioners claimed in expenses over their respective tenures in each of the past three calendar years: 2022, 2021 and 2020.
- The total cost of running your office (including staff salaries) for each of the past three calendar years: 2022, 2021 and 2020.
- The number of staff, in FTE, employed by your office for each of the past three calendar years: 2022, 2021 and 2020.
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